Kimberly Sheppard is a passionate Travel Consultant with a TICO certification, dedicated to curating exceptional travel experiences. With an insatiable love for life and a deep wanderlust, Kimberly has made it her mission to explore and share the wonders of the world.
With years of experience in personal travel, Kimberly possesses a keen understanding of diverse destinations, cultures, and travel trends. Her expertise extends from crafting personalized itineraries to ensuring seamless travel arrangements, allowing her clients to embark on journeys that create lasting memories.
Beyond her professional accomplishments, Kimberly's true passion lies in embracing the beauty of our planet. Her adventures have taken her across continents, from bustling cities to serene natural landscapes. Through her travels, she has gained insights that not only enrich her own life but also enable her to provide invaluable advice to those seeking their own extraordinary adventures.
Whether it's uncovering hidden gems in remote corners of the world or immersing herself in the vibrant energy of bustling metropolises, Kimberly's spirit for exploration knows no bounds. Her enthusiasm for life, combined with her commitment to delivering exceptional travel experiences, makes her a trusted partner for anyone looking to embark on unforgettable journeys.
Join Kimberly Sheppard on her journey as she continues to explore the world, one destination at a time, and let her expertise and zest for life inspire you to create your own remarkable travel stories.

Thank you for stopping in to look around. I look forward to helping you plan and book your next great adventure!

TravelOnly is governed by TICO in Ontario, the CPBC in British Columbia and OPC in Québec, adhering to all requirements and regulations. TravelOnly is also an accredited IATA appointed agency and a member of CLIA, BBB and ACTA.

TICO # - 4316071 | BPCA # - 29791 | OPC # - 70267